Pugs SOS
A nationwide rescue organisation keeping Pugs out of puppy farms

The horrors of Puppy Farming in Australia and around the world!
On puppy farms pugs are kept in these overcrowded crates for as many years as they can produce puppies. Many dogs slowly go insane from the noise, inability to ever move properly and boredom.
Unfortunately, pugs have become very popular through movies and programmes like Burke’s Back Yard. Puppy farmers and pet shops have jumped on the lucrative cash wagon, and sell pugs online, through pet shops and on the side of the road out of their vehicles.
New owners are NOT allowed to view where the puppies are born and raised, as most of these backyard breeders and puppy farmers keep between 100 to 400 dogs hidden in sheds throughout rural Victoria.
There are currently 130 puppy farms in Victoria and many others interstate. Most do NOT comply with the Code of Practice for Breeding and Rearing establishments.
Through tip offs from the public and lots of hunting around, footage has been taken of some of these establishments, many of which have been passed by Council inspections.
Pugs S.O.S. funds all the veterinary work for these rescues … donations, understanding and suitable foster homes and fantastic permanent homes are needed urgently.
Pugs available for adoption can be viewed on our Pugs SOS Facebook page
Watch our Videos
The Life of a puppy farm dog.
Just imagine …
YOU can make all the difference. The dogs in this video DID have happy endings, thanks to the people who opened their hearts and their lives to adopting a rescue. Do not continue to support puppy farmers by purchasing their puppies.
And Rescued Pugs on The Beach
Just look at the difference Pugs SOS makes in the lives of these wonderful little dogs!